
Erica Mitchell

How To Listen Effectively

We all want to be listened to and heard in our conversations with others. Being an engaged listener is an incredibly important skill that can help to build understanding and connection in conversations with your partner. But how do we go about doing this? Here are some tips from the

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Erica Mitchell

Embracing Uncertainty Together During Covid

No one can know what the future holds with complete certainty, and the COVID-19 pandemic has created even more ambiguity and uncertainty for couples and families. This lingering uncertainty can be scary and anxiety provoking, and it may be difficult to cope. Here are some things that couples can do

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Erica Mitchell

3 Tips on How to Maintain Regular Date Nights

According to Drs. John and Julie Gottman, world-renowned psychologists and researchers of couple relationships, if you are too busy for a date night, you are just too busy! Date nights are always doable, but you may need to get creative, especially as we continue to experience restrictions from the pandemic.

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HCK Staff

Burning Berry Bushes

I know a gardener who once transplanted berry bushes into soil deficient in magnesium. This nutrient is important for the uptake of other nutrients and helps with seed formation. It also enhances the greenness of a plant, in turn, aiding effective photosynthesis [1]. With great desires to care for her

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HCK Staff

Tips For Couples In Quarantine

Living through a global pandemic has presented many of us with unexpected situations in every part of our daily lives. For couples, trying to maintain a healthy relationship while spending nearly every day together and managing a work-life balance from home has been a major challenge. Now we are re-entering

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