
Shayla Wieser

Balancing Work and Family: Working from Home in the COVID-19 Era

As our society adjusts to changes due to COVID-19, you may find yourself and/or your partner, having to work from home. Even during this time of gradual re-opening, many people are still working from home and many of the childcare options previously used are still inaccessible. As a result, many

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Erica Mitchell

Couples Disagreements About COVID-19: Finding a Middle Ground

You’ve heard the phrase “agree to disagree,” but in the age of COVID-19, does that remain a possibility? According to Michele Weiner-Davis, a relationship therapist and writer for Psychology Today, stress associated with COVID-19 is being experienced by many couples [1]. In fact, one survey showed that about 39% of

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HCK Staff

Racism and Families

Healthy Connections Knoxville has a diverse team of volunteers who work together to strengthen all families and to create stable and healthy environments for everyone. Our Black communities are hurting right now and they need us to listen to them and to give our help standing up against the centuries

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Shayla Wieser

The Importance of Sleep and Healthy Routines During COVID-19

COVID-19 has created an unprecedented crisis during which, many people have experienced struggles regarding their sleep and difficulties maintaining routines. Individual mental health is crucial for both individual wellbeing and for maintaining relationships. Therefore, it is important that people are limiting their screen-time, getting enough sleep, and sticking to their

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