Year-round we offer Make Love Last Online, the online version of the same program we offer in our in-person couple workshops. If you are interested in signing up for this online option, or if you have questions about it, please contact Tomma at

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Valley Church Marriage Pilgrimage

* Registration for this event is closed * 

Valley Church is excited to host an 8-week small-group journey through times of marriage-focused biblical reflection, group discussion, and guided couples’ exercises. This study is continuing learning from a Make Love Last weekend retreat from this summer. Couples support each other in this group with facilitators’ guidance to deepen their relationship learning paired with focused biblical reflections and application.

The group starts on Sunday, September 4 after morning service at Valley Church. It will continue until November 4.

Why Do Couples Choose Our Relationship Education Programming?

  • We want our relationship to function better than it currently does
  • I want to be a better partner to my significant other
  • We want to prevent or prepare for future relationship problems
  • We want to build a more Christ-centered relationship