Cokesbury is part of the Healthy Connections Knoxville: a research-proven relationship assistance program that helps couples build a strong, life-long marriage. This 9-week group will cover a variety of topics including:
- tools for successful communication and conflict management
- self-reflection and awareness
- commitment
- love styles
- the importance of fun and friendship
Groups meet for two hours each week. Cost is $100/couple to cover the materials. Groups begin on Sunday Sep. 16th and will run for 9 straight weeks from 4 – 6 pm.
Childcare will be provided by reservation for Sunday group which will meet from 4 – 6 p.m. at Cokesbury’s North Campus.
If you are an adoptive or foster care parent and the cost presents a hindrance to your attendance, KAFCAM(the Knoxville Area Foster Care and Adoption Ministry) wants to support your marriage and has a limited number of scholarships available. Contact to request a scholarship.
To register: