Year-round we offer Make Love Last Online, the online version of the same program we offer in our in-person couple workshops. If you are interested in signing up for this online option, or if you have questions about it, please contact Tomma at

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Arlington Church of Christ Couples Seminar

*The deadline to register for this event is 2/20/2022

Whether you are enjoying a deep and loving connection with your partner, or struggling to talk about simple things without conflict, we would love for you to join us for our relationship enrichment seminar starting Friday, March 11th at 6:30 P.M. This seminar will allow couples to spend quality time together while learning practical tools and concepts to help strengthen their relationship. During our time together, we will cover a range of topics including fun & friendship, anger, stress, communication techniques, problem solving, and much more. Ample time will be given to practicing new ways of relating to your partner while having fun and enhancing commitment and love for one another. This seminar will be appropriate for all couples in a deeply committed relationship.

Date & Times

This is a 3-day, in person seminar. Couples who register for this event should plan to attend all three days for the full experience.

Day 1: March 11th, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Day 2: March 12th, 9:00am-3:30pm

Day 3: March 26th, 9:00am-1:30pm

Why Do Couples Choose Make Love Last?

  • We want our relationship to function better than it currently does
  • I want to be a better partner to my significant other
  • We want to prevent or prepare for future relationship problems
  • We want to build a more Christ-centered relationship

To Register

The cost to register for this 3-day seminar is $55 per couple. To register for this event, contact Gregg or Delinda Summers.


Or Call: (865)223-4515 or (865)202-8406

*If there is a childcare need, please notify Gregg or Delinda Summers.