
Healthy Connections Knoxville trains and equips lay leaders to deliver evidence-based, healthy relationship programming. We offer multiple levels and opportunities for partnership that vary in training requirements, cost, and time.

Grey Level

  • Date Nights Free
  • Healthy Connections Guest Speaker
    at your church/organization

Teal Level

  • Marriage Pilgrimage Training Cost:
  • Relationship Check-up Training Cost:
    (limited time rate)
    Annual Subscription:

Orange Level

  • Make Love Last Training Cost:
  • Make Love Last Online Training: $50
    (Prereq: Make Love
    Last training)
  • Within My Reach Training Cost: $100
    Materials Cost: $275
    (Prereq: Make Love
    Last Training)

Healthy Connections Knoxville aims to grow a network of church and community organizations that provide effective and accessible relationship assistance to citizens of Knoxville and surrounding counties. We believe that church and community organizations can provide research-proven relationship assistance to help couples grow a strong, life-long marriage.